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2015 Western Canadian Music Awards

Stella’s album has been nominated for a Breakout West’s, Western Canadian Music Award in the category of ‘Children’s Album of the Year!’  We can hardly believe it!  To be nominated among such artists as Fred Penner, Bobs and Lolo, Alex Mahe and Raffi is truly an honour, and Stella is thrilled.

Stella’s producer, Helen Austin, was also nominated for her album, ‘You Knew Me,’ so we are going to have a fun road trip to Victoria for the awards show in September!


Stella’s a finalist in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest!!!

We entered Stella’s song, ‘I’m Not a Bunny,’ in the Children’s category of The John Lennon Songwriting Contest and Stella was chosen as one of three finalists! If you check out the link, go to the session 2 finalists and you’ll see Stella’s name. You can also listen to the winning songs, including the grand prize winning song in her category, which we thought sounded pretty cool!

Stella feels particularly proud because this was one of three songs on the album that she wrote entirely by herself!



The Great Library Tour!


“I’m loving everything about performing at the libraries!  It’s so great to meet the kids who are listening to our music.”- Stella


Our final show is at the Cumberland library tomorrow at 10:00 am!!!  We hope to see you there!

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The CDs Arrive!

We have a room in our home that we call ‘The Rainbow Room,’ and we do most of our creating and home-schooling there.  We were painting the CD display boxes when Stella looked out the window and noticed a huge white truck had parked in front of our house.  A few minutes later, a box from Precision Disc in Vancouver had been handed to Stella.

And this is what happened when Stella and Sophie saw the CDs for the first time:

the boxHappy Stella love so cute

Road Trip!

Last Spring, we took a road trip to Tofino and wrote this little song together.  Unbeknownst to us, this would be the final trip that our car would make!  The Trooper died two weeks later!  Sophie plays a big part in this song with her vocals during the bridge, her backing vocals on the chorus and her fabulous kazoo playing!  Let’s hear it for Sophie Joy!  Woo hoo!